Hinged Expansion Joints 42″ Dia. Hinged Universal Expansion Joint Designed with Pantographic Linkage 92″ Double Hinged Reinforced Expansion Joint for Water Service 30″ Dia. Hinged Expansion Joints Designed for a Pipeline in Mexico Universal Gimbal Hinged Expansion Joint for a Methanol and Ammonia Plant in Texas 66″ Diameter Hinged Expansion Joints Designed for a Chemical Plant Engineering, Design and Fabrication of 119″ Expansion Joints, Duct Work and Supports Engineering, Design and Fabrication of 119″ Expansion Joints, Duct Work and Supports U.S. Bellows, Inc. Designed and Fabricated 44″ Hinged Expansion Joints with Refractory Lining 42″ Hinged Expansion Joint designed for an Acid Plant Hinged Expansion Joints Designed for a Pipeline in Mexico 102″ Dia. Single Hinged Expansion Joint and Duct Work Assembly and Two 92″ Single Expansion Joints Hinged Universal Expansion Joint and Duct Work Assembly Custom Designed for an Exhaust Duct Application U.S. Bellows, Inc. Designed and Fabricated Hinged Expansion Joint with Refractory Lining U.S. Bellows, Inc. Designed and Fabricated Hinged Expansion Joint with Refractory Lining U.S. Bellows, Inc. Designed and Fabricated Hinged Expansion Joint with Refractory Lining 72″ Double Gimbal and Single Hinged Flanged and Flued Head Expansion Joints U.S. Bellows, Inc. Designed and Fabricated Hinged and Universal Expansion Joints with Refractory Lining OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The photographs above show a double hinged expansion joint (figure 1) and a double gimbal expansion joint (figure 2) for a gas application at a project in Mexico. These uniquely designed expansion joints, bellows, flanges and pipes are fabricated from Inco. 800 H and designed at 60 psig and 1050oF. These expansion joints were 100 percent x-rayed and hydro-tested. U.S. Bellows, Inc. custom designed and manufactured three 2’ – 6” OD x 23’ – 1/3” long expansion joints for a refinery in New Jersey. The bellows, pipes, and lugs were fabricated from Inco 800H high nickel alloy, A312tp 316H stainless steel, and A240tp 316H stainless steel respectively. The expansion joints are designed for 60 PSIG, 1100°F, and 47,000 lbs. of thrust to accommodate for a high temperature application.To ensure quality, the bellows and pipe-long seam welds were 100% x-rayed. In addition, hydro-testing was conducted at 90 PSIG and all construction materials are PMI before and after assembly. Single hinged expansion joint single hinged expansion joint with control rods double hinged refractory lined expansion joint Hinged Expansion Joint double hinged expansion joint OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA U.S. Bellows, Inc. designed and fabricated this expansion joint exhaust assembly for an oil refinery in Texas. This expansion joint is offset for an offshore platform and weighs approximately 8,000 lbs. It has a design pressure and temperature of 1 PSIG and 1000 degrees, respectively. The air test was conducted to detect any leaks. The 24” diameter hinged expansion joint shown above was designed to absorb lateral deflection and limited angular rotation in one plane only. They were supplied by U.S. Bellows, Inc. for an emergency shut down delivery requirement.