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11 Foot Long Universal Gimbal Expansion Joints Designed for an Oil Refinery in Canada

October 1, 2018

11 Foot Long Universal Gimbal Expansion Joints Designed for an Oil Refinery in Canada

Type:  Universal Gimbal Expansion Joint
Size:  102″ – 133″ L | 41.5″ W | 41.75″ H | 32″ diameter
Material:  Carbon Steel | 304 Stainless Steel
Design:   100°F @ 285 psig | 102 lb/in/degree Rotational
Spring Rate | 15.4″ Lateral Deflection
Testing:   Hydrotested @ 428 PSIG

U.S. Bellows custom designed these universal gimbal expansion joints for an oil refinery in Canada. The bellows and liners are fabricated from 304 stainless steel, and the remainder of the components are fabricated from carbon steel. The units are 102″ and 133″ long respectively, and both are 41.5″ wide, 41.75″ tall, with 32″ OD. They are designed for an operating temperature of 100°F at 285 psig, with a 102 lb/in/degree rotational spring rate and 15.4″ of lateral deflection. The expansion joints were 100% dye-penetrant tested and hydro-tested at 428 psig prior to shipment.
