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Universal Gimbal Hinged Expansion Joint for a Methanol and Ammonia Plant in Texas

April 18, 2016

Universal Gimbal Hinged Expansion Joint for a Methanol and Puniversal gimbal hinged expansion joint for a methanol and ammonia plant in Texas Ammonia Plant in Texas

U.S. Bellows designed this universal gimbal hinged expansion joint for a methanol and ammonia plant in Texas. This expansion joint is 48″ in diameter and 145″ OAL. The bellows were fabricated from Inconel 625 and the assembly is carbon steel. The unit is designed for an operating temperature of 752°F at 50 psig, the angular spring rate is 4,374 lb/in., with 3/4″ of axial movement within the gimbal bars. The unit was 100% x-ray, dye-penetrant, and hydro-tested prior to shipment.
